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Master's In Supply Chain Management Curriculum Guide

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Master's in Supply Chain Management

The Key to Improving Your Career

Take your organization to world-class supply chain status and become a stand-out pro in the field. You have the essential skills you need to succeed, but it's time to take them to the next level with a master's degree in supply chain management. As you earn your degree, you will build on your current knowledge of supply chain strategy and design, strategic cost management and operational processes. 

Find out how the MS in Supply Chain Management will propel your career to new heights.
Fast Facts

Why Choose USD for Your MSSCM

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San Diego has more available jobs in supply chain management than employers can hire for. Open the door for hundreds of job opportunities at local companies when you study here.

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Our hybrid format gives you the best of both worlds: enjoy the flexibility of online learning without sacrificing human connection! You'll meet your peers and professors in-person in San Diego three times during the program. 


Gain access to real companies' operations through company visits and plant tours, attend the nation's dedicated supply chain-focused career fair and mingle with industry leaders through our Supply Chain Management Institute.

Alumni Spotlight

Our Alumni Achieve Their Goals

Transform your interests and passions into a fulfilling career!


MBA Shawna Fehrman-Lee


Shawna Fehrman-Lee

Senior Director of Operations at Hello Fresh

When Shawna Fehrman-Lee, University of San Diego School of Business alumna, joined the Peace Corp, she didn't expect it to lead to a career in supply chain management. The main economic livelihood of the village where she lived was international agricultural exports, and it sparked an interest. She joined the graduate program at USD when she left the Peace Corps, and here she turned that interest into a successful career. She's now a senior director at Hello Fresh. 

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