Bridge the talent gap with USD's Master's in Business Analytics

MSBA Curriculum Guide 

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Master's in Business analytics

It's Time to Add "Analytics" to Your Resume

From marketing to healthcare, from sustainability to engineering, countless industries are in desperate need of skilled data experts.

As the demand for employees with data analytics skills continues to outpace the supply, the University of San Diego's Knauss School of Business is responding to this need by training “data translators” who have the technical skills to work with data, particularly within a business context.

Let’s dive into what makes USD’s master's in business analytics a valuable option to help you become indispensable to employers everywhere.

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Fast Facts

Why Choose USD for Your MSBA

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Obtain Your MSBA in 10 Months

Be "data fluent" in less than a year! The master's in business analytics is an on-campus, 10-month program for future business analytics professionals. 

Get the advanced skills employers want
Get the data skills employers want

Immerse in the language of data and business. In USD’s MSBA, you will learn to use high-demand analytics tools such as Python, SQL, Tableau, and IBM SPSS, while also taking courses in interactive data visualization and technical communications.

Make valuable industry connections

MSBA students complete their degree through not just one, but three client project-based classes — including an international consulting project.

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Travis Zuroske

Management Consultant at Qral Group

The program is fast-paced, but it also allows you to dig into concepts that fascinate you most. While many aspects of the MSBA program attracted me, the Capstone Project piqued my interest the most. This is a month-long course where students are paired with a local San Diego company to solve a problem directly hindering a business unit.

I knew that work-based learning like this would stand out on a resume and provide a glimpse into how analytics can be used to tackle issues.

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